Because life is hard. It is hard to be a child in today's world, with so much stimuli coming at us all day long. And it is hard to be a grown up with so much going on too! We want to do what is best for our children, and sometimes what is best is to ask for help. I am here to help. I have been a teacher, with all the high demands that entails and the lack of funding to go with it, so I know how hard it is to be prepared for children with different learning needs. And I am a parent of 3 children, one of whom is an autistic child with several medical and genetic concerns. It is a huge challenge to balance work and family, and with a disability involved I often felt at a complete loss on how to help my child. Then I had the opportunity to go to some extensive trainings, gather incredible resources, and watch my child's quality of life improve by leaps and bounds as I implemented the information I learned. She is now a young adult, is a very happy person who cannot wait for her next adventure. And I believe every child should be able to experience the same kinds of support she has, they all deserve the same chance to shine.